As a fun note about this ferret, the folks who found him didn't actually
find him, he found them.  They woke up and found the ferret in bed with
them.  Their back door opens into a small fenced area for their dogs, and
so they keep it open at night.  The boy walked past their dogs, into the
apartment, up the stairs, and then climbed into their bed, where he slept
with them for an hour before the awoke to find him sharing their pillows.
Wild animals my butt.
Leonard Bottleman               [log in to unmask]
[Moderator's note: For those astute readers who wonder how the folks knew
the ferret slept with them for an hour if they were, well... asleep...: I
asked already.  Was told they woke up for a second and in sleepy confusion
thought one of their small dogs had joined them.  Only later did they find
out the truth!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3063]