Well, it's spring here in little small town New Philly, Ohio.  The Spring
calves are frisking in the fields, new colts are dancing in their meadows.
So in the spirit of Spring the Smiths are proud to announce the arrival of
a new addition to our family.  We are the proud parents of a bouncing baby
boy.  ..  The delivery went smooth as could be expected.  He arrived on
Saturday morning, weighing in at about 4lbs.  He is a beautiful silver,
white socks all around, a snow white bib, the face of an angel, all white
with a bit of a lite grey mask around each eye.  A little pink nose, with
a black spot on it, white whiskers on one side, and black whiskers on the
other side.  At the other end the dark grey tail is tipped by a almost
white tip.  All offset with a devilish twinkle in his eyes.  I wish I could
offer a description of the middle part, but it, the middle part won't slow
down.  This big happy boy won't slow down.  He has two speeds, sleep, and
running/leaping/hopping/tunnling/attacking.  As this boy runs, you can hear
his feet thump on the floor.  Whew, what a furry bundle of energy.  I was
able to grab him once, I turned him over looking for a battery pack or a
small rocket engine, or at least a on / off switch but nothing but a well
padded tummy and fur, a lot of fur.  His name is "Bandit" but Mom calls him
"Dweezil the evil weezil" must be from his grip on her toes.  Needless to
say, he is a heart breaker, he is such a wonderful addition to our family.
We can't thank his former "ferret mom" enough for choosing us to be his
"new parents" we are so blessed to be Bandits new "Mom and Dad".  We know
his absence will create a big hole in her life, but we promise lots and
lots of pictures to let her know how he is doing.  If I can find a way to
slow him a bit. :-/  We'll soon have some pictures scanned so we can boast
some more.
Our heart felt condolences to those who have recently lost their ferret
kids.  There are no words to fill that hole in your heart.
The Smiths, and "Baby" Bandit, and the fuzzy six pack
Why not stop by and visit our web sites:
David:  http://bones2000.virtualave.net
Tonia:   http://www.geocities.com/lolaland2000
[Posted in FML issue 3060]