After extensive research which delayed this final report (I did after all,
have to read a whole chapter on ferrets in a book you know!)  I have come
to the following conclusions.
The colony of domesticus ferretus poopus has been successfully relocated to
another area.  It seems that once the clean up operation and safety issues
had been addressed, they deemed it unlivable.  I believe this is, in part,
due to the discovery of their temple, see below.
However, while the aforementioned plans were under way, the colony was
housed in a prison, ahem, I mean a relocation camp for their protection.
After two days, signs of extreme anger and agitation were seen and the work
on their site was speeded up.  After their release, they were noted to
visit many corners and door fronts in an effort to relocate.
As for the safety concerns, it does seem that the removal of the fabric
and batting from the box springs and immediate area have worked.  The
domesticus ferretus poopus no longer seems interested in nesting and/or
storage in these areas.  I believe this is due to the removal of their
rather large "hammock" apparatus and also the new found accessibility of
their altar.  For those who wrote, there are no springs in this
construction to interfere with the animals, even if they seemed to be
inclined to scale the sides.
After sanitizing the area with my own mixture (I have worked many years at
perfecting this and plan on copyrighting it, so steal it while you can; a
half and half mix of Hoover steam cleaning solution and Odo Ban) the area
smelled close to what it did before the invasion of the colony.  This had
the added bonus of cutting down the "deposits" left by the colony.
Conclusions: I believe the domesticus ferretus poopus has a religion based
on large footed soft furry gods with plastic eyes, one that seems to prefer
German sandals for footwear.  The stolen sandals were lined neatly up
clearly facing the wall (on which the headboard of the bed is located).
This wall was where all the stuff animals, including the reclining tie
dyed bear were placed.  Since there were also tidbits of food and bedding
located next to them, this clearly indicates offerings and worship.
I also found 4 items that I mistakenly did not include in my initial list,
2 television remotes and 2 battery operated alarm clocks.  These items lead
me to believe that the gods of the domesticus ferretus poopus are thought
to control the television broadcasts and certain times are obviously more
important to them.  Perhaps they feel that certain shows are divinely sent.
I am looking into this theory and would like to hear from my colleagues as
to which shows they feel might be important to this culture.
I invite any comments or rebuttals to my conclusions, as I admit there is
very little literature currently available on domesticus ferretus poopus.
Mo' Maggie and Her Mindless Meanderers
[Posted in FML issue 3060]