Good morning!
This is soooo funny!  My little girl (7 months) Flower, has discovered
hissing!!  She is the newest and littlest addition to the Ferret Funny Farm
family, and is a pretty dominant little female.  She knows who is who in
the group, and is learning her place.  SHe gets along really well with all
the others, except, of course, the bully Jackie.  She has begun hissing at
him, which totally makes him decide to go the other way!  NOw, she is
hissing at everyone and everything!  IT is a riot!  When she wants my
attention, she comes up to my feet, looks up and hisses at me until I pick
her up!  Then she wants kisses!  SHe is hissing at her best buddy, Little
Bear so he'll chase her and play.  This morning she was just sitting by
herself hissing for no apparent reason!  It was so cute I thought you all
would get a kick out picturing that one!
[Posted in FML issue 3060]