I have a little girl Rosebud who was taken from a home and living in
deplorable conditions.  No food or water, very malnourished, ferret
presents piled 2 inches thick all over the cage and living in a closet in
the basement with very little light.  We did not think that Rosie was going
to make it through the night.  Well she did and that was about 4 years ago.
She was a horrible biter and using very gentle techniques, have earned her
trust.  I am still very careful around her though and try to not make any
fast movements when she is out of her cage.  She recently lost her cagemate
and has definitley regressed.  To this day she will still charge, bite,
shake and then as soon as I let out a startled ouch, she lets go abd dives.
She does not need any obvious provocation when this happens.  At times I
have been sitting quietly on the floor.  I have never scolded her and have
always picked her up after my startled ouch to let her know that it is ok.
I immediately am smothered wity little Rosie kisses.  I honestly do not
think that she can help it, given her last home can I blame her?  She will
never leave me, she is the only one that I consider unadoptable.  It is not
worth risking her life.  I agree whole heartedly with Troy Lynn, how do you
teach a child that hitting another child is wrong if you hit them to teach
them.  I believe in many other alternate forms of discipline, and they must
be tried first.  That should apply to the furry kids to.  Love and trust
can speak volumes.
Diana and The Ferret Farm
[Posted in FML issue 3060]