I would like to once again, commend Kim at Kista Shelter and Jenn for their
dedication to ferrets and other animals, their work shows their love.  I do
not know who posted those comments that IMO were totally uncalled for, but
please know, these people are doing what they can out of pure love for
animals, and they should NOT be put down.
It is time consuming, frustrating at times when funds are not there, to
care for such animals, and to often their work and efforts go "un-noticed"
or "un-appreciated".  I want to say that people such as these ARE
appreciated and that we all should know how very hard their work is.
Because of their love, their time, their dedication, we have safe, loving,
cared for animals that bring joy into our homes, into our hearts, into our
I would also like to say that the "challenge" that was presented is a very
good one.  I myself know I waste atleast a dollar or two a day on things
I don't need, and sometimes on things I waste by purchasing them and not
eating/using them.  If we can save this money and donate to help the
animals we love so much, it would make a difference and it would be
appreciated.  I have put a empty glass jar on my kitchen table, and when
hubby comes home or when I come home from shopping, all our spare change
goes in that jar, and by the end of the week it is full, so we then take it
to our local shelter and give it to them.  What may not look like much to
us in that jar, is enough money for the shelter to purchase a bag or two of
food, or a few bags of liter.
I also think the point that was on that challenge of it could be the life
of someone you love one day.  What is one of us for what ever reason had to
let our fuzzies or other animals be taken/put in a shelter, we would hope
that there are loving people who donate so that the animals we had to take
there can be fed, have medical treatment if needed, and would be able to be
properly cared for until a home is found.  Unfortunately, things we may not
expect, or want to happen in life do, so please re-read the challenge that
was posted, and put that jar on your table, because a little bit of change
DOES make a difference.
Thank you to ALL shelters and all those who care for animals, who give
their time, their home, their money, their love for you do make a
difference and it's because of people like you that the world is just a
little bit better.  I thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart,
because it is your love that keeps these animals cared for.  For those who
slam shelters as was done on fml, you should be ashamed of yourself, and
you should have to do what these people do, then you will see that it's not
a glamous thing, and that things are not always how they should be,
but....the animals ARE ALWAYS properly cared for.  Keep up the good work,
all your efforts and do not let one or two people who don't know what they
are talking about bring you or your spirits down, because YOU DO MAKE A
DIFFERENCE AND YOU ARE APPRECIATED.  We send our dooks and our love.
LYNN &  Daisy, Jill, Sharkie, Bootz, Taz, Jack
[Posted in FML issue 3058]