Just an update on the New England Ferret Website I have started:
- I have heard from shelters, clubs, and owners in NH, MA, and ME, and a
bunch of events in those states have now been posted on the site's
calendar.  The reaction I have gotten has been positive, and I admit that
makes me feel pretty good :)
- Still waiting to hear from anyone in CT, RI, and VT.  Any ferret folks
alive in those states? :)
- Based on the feedback I have gotten, I decided to start a mailing list
associated with the site.  New Englanders who are interested can subscribe
by sending a blank email to [log in to unmask] .  This list
should be used for regional stuff; national stuff should stay on good ol'
FML.  We'll see how useful it turns out to be.
- I also added a page listing how to join this mailing list.
- I added pictures of my 5 furkids, the assistant webmasters, to the page.
Daisy says "klehg20ygn dnDFND" to everyone.  As you can tell she is still
learning how to type.
The site is at http://www.ziplink.net/~mninivag/ferrets for those who want
to check it out.  I may be moving it to my friend's server soon just to
make the domain name easier to remember - neferrets.cabbagepatch.com .
Do ferrets like cabbage? :)
Thanks to all who have sent the kind comments.
- Mike
Mike, Paula, Buddy, Dickens, Daisy, Sweet Pea, and Winter
 >^V^<-,--------------,''''''''''''''    >^V^<-,------------,''''''''''''''
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3057]