>From:    "Capt. Nodrog" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferst for adoption
Harrisonburg is in "our area" as a shelter so let us know if you or she need
our help.  We're about a hour north and we get down there now and then.
>From:    Sukie <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: insulinoma instances; KISTA; "freedom"; radio show
Kim of Kista is among the folks we most respect operating shelters.  There
are indeed folks that are so pitiful that to get attention they resort to
attacking anyone better liked than they are.  Its too bad.  It worse when
it seems one particuarly bitter person seems to be manipulating someone
who is emotionally unstable to cowardly hide their own intentions.
John Boy and Billy are just plain obnoxious.  They put a bad face on
everything.  I stopped listening to a radio station as soon as they
started playing that syndicated abomination.  The worst thing ever to
recently to North Carolina is for the rest of the country to see them as
any kind of depiction of that state.
>From:    RRC <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Bob C: Q-N-A: Masked Slave Trade
Ferrets and pigs aren't slaves.  Beasts of burden are perhaps.  Slaves
aren't eaten, they are used for labor.  Pigs are a crop.  Ownership doesn't
define slavery.  I own the pear sitting on my desk.  But I can't make it
scoop our ferrets' litter pans.
Rights are bestowed along with responsibilities.  Pets including ferrets
have no responsibilities really so they can't have rights.  What can be
seen as a ferrets rights to proper food and other care are instead the
owner's responsibilities.  We humans are obligated to obey laws pertaining
to the proper treatment of our propoerty including our animals, from living
up to our responsibilities we do not lose our rights.
Which leads into the topic of overbreeding jills.  When jills go into
season a second time in a year it often (but not always) is from their
bodies 'thinking' that they 'lost' a litter.  It seems to be an evolutional
thing where if they have a litter and lose it before natural weening they
naturally try to replace that litter.  This is one reason we let our jills
decide when to ween.  Forcibly weening or any other way of causing extra
litters to our way of thinking is a ranch mentality.  It is perfectly legal
but is a different way of thinking than those of us who are hobby breeders
of our pets.  But not a different kind of ferretry than say Marshall farms,
Triple-F or those that breed for Hagen.  There is at this point a need for
ranches, but ranches shouldn't pretend to be hobby breeders any more than
breeders should pretend to be shelters when they sell their kits.
Responsible breeders do act as shelters as it is a way to pay back the
community of ferret owners for supporting their hobby.
Over breeding jills is far closer to slavery than having ferrets as pets.
Still not really slavery as the word doesn't fit.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3057]