First a Big Hi to ALL Here today!!  After a long hard day here, I spent my
closure here reading the posts.  I try to reply to as many as possible
without slowing drifting off.  Being that, I enjoy this extended family so,
I am hooked to read.  Yes, being a Shelter Mom I see plenty of ferrets on a
daily basic.  But not many babies here.  I see the older ferrets with
medical issues and neglected ones.  Then there is my teen-gang of little
furface ones.(I won't go there.) In one post someone here proudly announced
their new kits.  I did not take their name, BUT** Of course being me I had
to see them.  Well, when I clicked in to see the pictures, Well the "Ferret
Mama Feeling" struck again.  The babies were not just cute, they were
beautiful.  My heart yearn for a little one.  Seeing the tiny guys with
their eyes barely greeting the world.  I thought what each had in store for
their new owners.  The future of fun, the dances,the laughter,and the
tears.(And yes the Poop) What a delight to see the birth of something or
someone to our world.  I have enjoyed my ferrets so much.  And seeing these
little ones keep me going so to give all a happy ending.  These pictures of
Baby Ferrets reassures me that what I do was meant to be.  How I would love
to Breed, And one Day, I just May.  But at the moment with my hands full of
fur to love.  I will remember the pictures of new life in my mind to
cherish.  I send to all that have sick little guys a prayer and to all who
have losted their love ones to the Rainbow Bridge,my sorrow for their lost.
And also to Sandee for all for what she does.  She has helped many of my
guys at the Rainbow Bridge enter not alone.
God Bless All, From:The Ferret Mama Denise Peddington Davis
and The Furface Gang at "The Ferret Mama's Haven"
[Posted in FML issue 3057]