Last week on my way to Vegas, the plane flew right over the Los Alamos area
and the pilot tipped the wings so we could see.  I just can't convey to you
the devastation!  I can't begin to imagine what it would be like on the
ground, but from the air, you could plainly see the acres and acres of
destruction.  My heart was in my throat!  Georgia, I will be sending a
small donation out in the mail Monday.  It won't be much, but it is all I
can do right now!  I urge others to help, too!  I just can't imagine having
to endure what these folks are going through and I am so thankful my loved
ones are safely snuggled in their hammocks.
I am so very tempted to get involved in the latest "flame wars", but since
my big mouth usually gets me in more trouble that it's worth, I won't!  I
will, however, give my opinion on posting anonymously!  I believe posting
anonymously to protect the innocents living in ferret danger zones is the
only acceptable reason to do this!  If you don't have the balls to sign
your name-don't write the words!  Only a coward hides behind anonymity!
And I am only talking about the coward who insults/libels/condemns or
otherwise posts a really nasty message to or about someone!  I do
understand some people wish to give their opinions about a subject and are
afraid of being flamed so they prefer to remain anonymous.  That's one
thing.  But attacking someone either-privately or publicly and not having
the guts to sign your name is just plain cowardice!!!  I give no credence
to their words and I think they should just be laughed right off this list
for looking and sounding like a fool!  I also feel if someone is hounding
you-go after them!  There are several new laws out there designed to get
these idiots off the Internet, so catching and prosecuting them is getting
easier!  To those of you who have been the victims lately-believe me, those
of us who have been around even a little while know who to trust and you
have your deepest respect!!!  Hang in there!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope, and Einstein
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants,
sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting
anything." Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 3057]