Every now and then I get on this fun website (Excite.com) to play Bingo.
They have a live chat feature, so you can gab with other bingo players
while you're losing.
The other day the room was talking about kids, and I mentioned that I don't
have kids because ferrets are all I need.  One bingo-er replied "But I
thought they were *dangerous*" GASP!  So I launched into my pro-ferret
mode.  I described all my babies, talked about their names, their habits,
etc.  She said she'd never actually seen one before.  So I sent her my URL
and some photos.
In the end she admitted that they were "kind of cute" and sounded like a
lot of fun.  I told her I could throw out my TV in order to watch them
24/7.  She had been having a pretty bad day and told me that my stories
made her laugh and cheered her up.
Hurray for ferrets, always the light of everyone's day!  :-)
Aileen & the Herd minus one Herdling
Slinky, Kyle, Noel, Sandy, & Rootie the beagle
Missing Gizmo so much. We love you, baby.
Check out the Herd's website at:
[Posted in FML issue 3056]