Oh yeah I agree with wormhole you should go see a shelter.  See how HARD
those people work.  See all the love they give the ferrets in their care.
AND while your there offer to clean cages, clip nails, give baths, tend to
a sick ferret, PLAY with the ferrets, or offer to be a runner to pick up
ferrets.  You will see its not easy.  I only have 2 cages and six ferrets,
some days it feels like a hundred to clean up after.  How many cages do
shelters have?
I have gone with a shelter to take 13 ferrets to get shots.  I have cleaned
cages, one day we gave 32 ferrets a bath.  I know they do not have an easy
job.  Maybe you can't send $$ but your time is just as important.  If you
find the shelter is dirty then be there more often to help.  I have noticed
that there are times when a shelter is just over loaded.  Its not always
overloaded but maybe on that day it was.  Your help could make a
If you want a reference for a clean well run shelter that you can send your
$$ to, here is one MKARESQ in MI.  They work hard and love ferrets.  They
have clean cages, happy ferrets, and compassion for all of their ferrets.
Cathy Jo:
It does take more than one try to get a ferret to like new stuff but if you
have tired several times and didn't get him to eat it, then just give him
his food as a treat.  Sometimes just having you hand feeding them is a joy.
I know that Ossi wasn't a snacker but he loved me handing him his TF.  You
would have thought I was giving him chocolate.
Trooper love to lick urine.  I just make sure I don't get any kisses on the
face after.  Oh yuck!!!!
Thank the good Lord our ferrets are happy campers.  Sassy has now become
one of the crew and is able to cuddle with all of them Snickers included.
I am so sorry to all that have sick or lost babies our prayers are with
Lydia and the crew
Snickers, Casper, Bubba, Smokey, Trooper, Sassy
Missing Mr. Snowman. Isis, and Ossi
[Posted in FML issue 3056]