To the anonymous poster who said:
>I took obvious offense to this post, since I am from the south,
when referring to the ferret Ebonics post........
Have you ever heard of a sense of humor?  I am from the South and have
what I call a "poor white trash" accent.  I explain it that way to all the
Yankees I am currently surrounded by when they ask why I don't sound like
Scarlet O'Hara.  I even play it up with them and make it hard for them to
understand me.  IT'S FUNNY!!!
This is all said as a comment on the tone of the entire FML lately and not
just this one post.  I have just reached my tolerance level of the BS that
I have seen lately.  Aside from the obvious attempts at discrediting others
with flames and holier-than-thou attitudes, people seem to have lost their
sense of fun and enjoyment here.  I have only subscribed to the FML for a
few months now.  At first I was so excited to read it and learn from it
that I turned on the computer first thing every morning.  Now I can go days
without reading it, and I only skim over it when I have the time.  In the
short time I have been reading it, I too have noticed it going down hill.
I understand that humor/sarcasm can be hard to ascertain in written posts.
You don't have the tone of a voice or facial expressions to help determine
if someone is trying to be funny.  Bob C seems to get in trouble with other
posters for that all the time.  I personally love Bob and his wacky sense
of humor.
Unfortunately we now live in a world that is too PC in my opinion.  Someone
will always find a way to be offended.  I would rather laugh and enjoy my
day than whine that someone hurt my feelings.  The FML should be about
sharing, informing, and educating.  That's why I joined.  I'm sure that's
why most of the others joined.  For the most part, when I have asked a
question I have received many kind helpful replies.  Isn't that what we are
here for?  Leave the petty arguments out of this and lighten up!  Have fun.
It's really not that difficult.  Look to your ferrets for instruction if
you need.
If you would like to reply privately, my address is [log in to unmask]  I
am a very well educated Southerner with a genius IQ.  I can debate, argue,
or simply converse in any accent that you would like.  When I first moved
North, I thought I would be offended by people making fun of my speech.  I
soon realized that using nine syllable words in a drawl and watching their
dumbfounded expressions was priceless.  Generally, it's not your accent
that makes you look smart or stupid.  It's what you say.  Please get a
sense of humor and discuss ferret issues.
Laughing my Southern @$$ off,
Debi Rodvelt
[Posted in FML issue 3055]