I have to put in my 2 cents for old ferrets too.  My baby is going to be 8
in September.  She is the sweetest, cuddliest little angel imaginable--
snoozes on my lap, asks to be picked up, gives me oodles of kisses and
curls up next to me with her head resting on my neck when she goes to
sleep, letting out little sighs of contentment.  Her health is great--she
bounced back from adrenal surgery in February and, aside from a little bit
of slippy-ness in her back legs, has no health problems.  I never thought
she would mellow into such a loving, precious little creature after an
extended "wild" period, but she's wonderful.  I cherish every day with her
and pray that she will putter on for another few years.  She's the best!!
3 cheers for elderly ferrets--they give you back what you give them 100x
--Ann & Guida (Ratty)
[Posted in FML issue 3055]