I want to thank those who emailed me with the possible reasons that Sally
went berserk and bit my thumb.  For the benefit of those on the list, I
thought I'd share the tips I received.
Why Sally bit so hard in the first place:
1. I inadvertently scared her or caught her off guard.  Maybe she was
wrapped up in other thoughts and my wriggling fingers startled her or
appeared to be aggressive.  The bite-and-hold response is usually a
fear-induced reaction.
2. There was a scent on my thumb she couldn't resist (in this case, it
was chocolate)
3.  Could be a health reason.  If a ferret suddenly becomes an attack
ferret, or starts biting when they're usually gentle, have the ferret
vet-checked.  Someone emailed me that their ferret developed an insulinoma,
and low blood glucose may have caused the aggression.  After treatment with
prednisone, the aggressive behavior may go away and never resurface.  (I
am not a vet, neither--I believe--was the person who wrote about the
aggression in their ferret - just sharing what happened to someone else.)
Why she couldn't/wouldn't let go:
1. My reaction scared her.  The worst thing to do when you get a good nip
is pull your hand away -- their normal reaction is to bite harder.
2. The theory that once a ferret "really" latches on, it is either
reluctant to let go or "can't" - maybe an adrenaline rush type of thing.
If it happens again:
1. Try to remain calm, and make every attempt to control your physical
reaction - don't jerk away.  Very hard to do when you're in pain, but
try. :)  My panic made her panic.  Perhaps a loud "OUCH!!" or "NO BITE!"
2. Let their feet "touch bottom" - put the ferret on the floor so it can
walk, and they might let go.  They're not likely to let go when they're
dangling in the air!
3. Place your free hand gently over the ferret's nostrils--in order to
breathe they will have to let go of you.
4. Offer them ferretvite, linatone, or any favorite treat - maybe they'll
let go in favor of the treat.
5. Dunk them in cold water.  This seems a little harsh, but I suppose it
works the same as throwing cold water on fighting dogs or cats.  I would
probably do it as a last resort (although if the ferret hates baths, even
nice lukewarm water would make it let go, and would be less shocking!).
It's hard to think straight in this situation, but keeping a cool head and
thinking common sense would probably have made a big difference in the
severity of my bite.  If anyone has any other tips, I'm sure we could all
benefit from them!
BTW, my thumb's still a little sore, but getting better every day.  I
didn't have to go to the doctor, and if I had, I wouldn't have mentioned
that it was done by a ferret, Just don't know what the reaction would be.
Doctors probably have to report all animal bites, and since ferret bites
are less common than cat or dog bites, the reaction would probably be more
I might add that someone emailed me (and posted to the FML) that they
just didn't think it was fair to rough house with my ferrets, as it might
encourage them to be rough right back.  However, this is our favorite form
of play.  I rough house with my ferrets the same way I do with my cats.
I tolerate gentle nipping, but anything too hard and they get a NO or a
scruff, and we continue playing.  They do learn what their limits are, and
they honestly enjoy it.  (Ever noticed how they play with each other?) One
of my ferrets thoroughly enjoys it when I flip him over on his back and
tickle his belly!  I think it's entirely possible to have fun playing with
our ferrets, but teach them limits at the same time.
Debbie, Becky, and the fab foursome: Brae, Templeton, Sally and Phoebe
Remembering Jamie - with us such a short time, but special because she =
was our first
[Posted in FML issue 3054]