>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Accountability
>A number of you have written that MF papers are basically worthless.  You
>have ferrets with the MF guarantee papers-but the color or sex is wrong of
>the ferret you have.  The gaurentee is a copy.  You never see an original.
The more you whine about Marshall the more convinced we are that you are
dealing with a unscrupulous pet store that is cheating the customers and
selling ferrets that did NOT originate at Marshalls.  PLEASE could you
tell us the store, and dates so that we can have Marshall look into this?
Or would you rather whine and moan and do nothing to solve the problem?
>People here are NOT buying cats and dogs from puppy mills anymore.
Yes they are.  You just don't know about it.
>The baby had a brother and sister with eyes still closed, unable to eat
>kibble.  They are dead.  I saw their papers.  They were MF ferrets
>according to their documents.  And they had all of them: including the MF
>envelope.  The guarantee was a copy.  The date of birth was a copy.
Do you read anyth ing we've said?  Those are NOT Marshall kits!  THey
copied guarantee is a dead giveaway!
>I realize now that because of so many documents floating around--that these
>ferrets could be anybodies.  There is no way to hold anyone accountable
>for distributing ferrets this young.
YEs, there is.  Name the store.  State the dates.  Records are kept by
businesses so it IS possible to track the source.
Do something prodcutive.  Where and when?
>But the breeder is NOT a puppy mill with hundreds of false papers floating
>around the country.
So are you going to say there is something wrong with us?  We had a litter
of AKC registered GSD and one person who biought a puppy then tried to
sell another puppy of her own using the papers from our puppy?  There is
nothing we could have done to prevent that.
>There IS accountability here.  IT does not seem too much to ask for to me.
Then do something.  WHERE and WHEN?
>Heck-MF may even know about it.
How can you possibly blame Marshall for a problem you readily admit is
possibly not theirs when you and only you know the information that
Marshalls could use to SOLVE the problem.  WHERE and WHEN?  A
representative of Marshalls has been asking us if we could help them
solve this problem.  It's up to you Lisette.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3038]