Hey There,
Well, after a bad reaction to some liquid soap (that I used in desperation
because the little (*&^% stole my bar soap) and lots and lots soaking of
delicate body parts in oatmeal water, I thought I should share this simple
treatment for irritated skin.
No need to buy the expensive colloid oatmeal.  All it is is a special
milling that makes the oats superfine, supposedly to help keep them from
clumping up.  Of course, I think many of us realize how futile that is.
Get some good old fashioned rolled oats.  Yes, the cheap stuff.  Put them
into a cloth bag.  I am currently using a cotton 5lb.  rice sack.  Old tube
socks work well also.  You can seal this up with a knot or rubber band (be
sure to keep the rubber band away from the ferts of course!).
How much?  Well, I usually take a full as you can make it bath.  For a
moderately soothing bath, I use one cup.  For extra creamy, 2 cups.  (Just
in case you want to test this out yourself first).  ;-)
Just throw the bag/sock into the water when you fill the tub.  Let it soak.
When you get in you can squeaze out the "juice" and fill the tube with some
very nice oat essence.
The bag/sock is also very good when you bathe the ferrets.  Get it nice and
wet, under the faucet or soaking in water.  You can then use it to squeeze
out over the ferret, soothing their skin.
this would help out itchy adrenal skin, allergy skin or boo-boo skin.
Yours or theirs.
Mo' Maggie and her Mushy Mustelids
[Posted in FML issue 3054]