Hello Rick,
Sorry to hear that you have not had good luck with albino's.  From my
research I find the only discrepancies noted were for a different heart
rate -- that is why they are not preferred for lab testing..
here we have had a fair share of albinos-- never when folks request them--
so they usually stay a bit longer-- but I must say we have NOT had any
sickly ones-- except the one which drank or licked lysol form a SPCA
shelter cage clean up-- that one took months of nu\rsing and feedings-- but
eventually made it back to full health ( thanks again colloidal silver) and
into an adoptive home.
Perhaps you are just having bad luck with your recent albino intakes?  Or
are they stress related illnesses which get the best of them?  You didn't
state any ages-- so I am assuming they were not elderly adn overcome by
relocation trauma syndrome?  Did died prematurely in your recollection?
at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 3054]