>My question is:The tiniest one of the new 3 is escaping out of the cage
>somehow,don't know where or how and she only does it when we are home or
>at night.Anyone that can help me figure out how to ferret proof this cage
>till I can get her weight on where is is suppose to be would help me so
Hi there.
I just subscribed to this list, and I read your email and went "Bingo!"
The cage you have is called a Super Pets International Ferret Deluxe Multi
Floor Ferret Home.
I had the same problem with my Albino Baby.  I searched down the number and
advised them of this problem.
If you look at the cage, where two sets of bar plates are connecting, and
the top, and the bottom, the bars are approx 1/8 to 1/4 inch larger than
the rest of the cage.
It may not look like it, but your ferret may be flattening enough to get
past these bars.
I called Pets International at 800-252-7387 and was sent out a new cage
with different bars that are smaller.  I did not even have a receipt, and I
advised them I bought it within a year.  If you complain mightily, really
angry, they will replace.
Home this helps!
Aengus, father of Skuzzlebutt and MonkeyGirl.
[Posted in FML issue 3054]