>From:    Debi & David Christy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Training for Traveling With Ferrets
While I'm sure this post was well intentioned, I have some major problems
with it.
>Ferret Proofing Vehicles:
>Ferret proofing a vehicle to let the fuzzy roam can be done but it takes
>some doing.
I strongly disagree with this practice!
It took just one instance to "cure" me.  And that one instance could have
killed me, my passenger, and my precious ferret.
Many years ago, I let a ferret roam loose and he got caught on something
in the back of the van.  His scream of pain diverted my attention from the
road.  When I looked up, I was headed for the edge of the road.  That was
bad enough, but it just happened that I was on a bridge and at least 250
feet above a deep river.  I slammed on my brakes and managed to go down
the road sideways, part of the time on 2 wheels, before regaining control.
Don't be stupid like I was!  It could cost you, your ferret, and other
people on the road their life.  Ferrets should be treated just like
2-legged children.  They should *always* be secure in a travel carrier or a
cage.  Your attention should be on the road and not on a ferret running
loose in the car.
>With the more discreet bags (the ones with a solid side) we can even
>sneak them inside a restaurant.  ...Traveling in a bag also should have
>a few trial runs before you try dinner at Red Lobster.
arghh.  I have a lot of allergies and asthma.  I have to pick and choose
where I go because of these reactions.  Thank goodness I'm not allergic to
my ferrets.  There are other people who are allergic to ferrets and other
animals.  You could trigger a nasty and even life threatening reaction if
someone was not expecting a dander-producing animal in a restaurant.  The
same applies for sneaking a ferret on board an aircraft, only that practice
could cost you a small life savings if you get caught (I think up to
$100,000 fine).
  -Carla (not the shelter mom)
[Posted in FML issue 3033]