I have a problem...Heh.....Well..my family has a problem..I don't!
Now that there is a hob living under my roof, the ferret smell is quite
strong in the house.  My wife is really upset about this.
So........I know there are electronic air deodorizers/freshners out there.
I know they are expensive, but they work.  Trouble is, I can't find a
single one!  If anyone here on the FML has a internet address, or a
telephone number of any company/ies that make or sell them, I would really
appreciate it if you could email me the information.
BTW, the devices I am speaking about do not use chemicals of any kind.  The
are similar to an ion generator.
My email address in the header is an anti-spam address so do not use it.
Use the one below my name.  Thanks in advance.
MC, The Rude One
(With Garret, Snorkle, Tuzigoot, and Bancho.  In spirit, Bubba and
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[Posted in FML issue 3021]