Hi all....
Sorry this isn't the most pleasant subject, especially for those who read
the list with their morning coffee as I do.
This morning one of the ferts pooped right next to my foot, and it's
actually a good thing that he did.  I monitor what comes out of them just
as much as what goes in them because I know that it can tell us so much
about their health.  This stuff had no regular shape to it, but it wasn't
diarrhea either.  It was just sort of a brown crumbly mush.  When I grabbed
it with some tissue, it did have a bit of a seedy texture to it.  I have
never seen anything like it and was hoping some of you would know if I
should be concerned.
I've checked a few resources to identify mystery and bad poops, but there
doesn't seem to be a list of them anywhere.  Would any of you have one or
could you put one together for me?  I know what some of them mean, but a
list of what to watch for and when to panic or not panic could benefit many
people, I'm sure.  I would appreciate if you could respond to me personally
as well as to the FML as a whole for any newbies out there.  Maybe
something along the lines of:
dark green
bright green
black & tarry
bird-seedy & gold
clear mucus & little solid material
I know some of those can be ECE, stress, upset tummy, internal bleeding,
etc.  but how do you know when it's upset tummy vs.  bacterial infection or
partial blockage?  My little sock-muncher sometimes produces nothing but
clear mucus.  Ten minutes later he could have poop that looks perfectly
normal.  I don't know if I should be worried or if he's just trying too
hard to use the potty to get a treat.  Please, someone take up this lovely
little challenge from me and make me a poop list!
Debi and the 6 super-poopers
Fifi, Moose, Jiggy, Lily, Timmy, and Gaby
and the cat named Puppy
[Posted in FML issue 3021]