Since my 9 week old kit is (or at least will be) around a lot of ECE
carrying ferrets, and people who own ferrets that have ECE, would it be
better to let him be exposed to it now, or try to protect him for as long
as possible (most likely 1-2 years at most)?  I read somewhere that the
younger and healthier the ferret is, the least likely it will be of the
sickness being fatal.  If the ferret has had ECE before, will it keep him
from catching it again?
Also, about the stumbly kit, he doesn't stumble anymore (I think he
stumbled because he'd never been in a large enough space that he could
run.), he doesn't run away from me anymore (he had just rarely been picked
up before, and he wasn't used to being on the floor with some giant
standing above him) And he now always uses the litterbox.  The reason he
didn't before was entirely my fault, when I bought him (from the petstore)
I also got a litterbox (the one I already had was too big for his 2x2x3
cage).  They were out of ferret literboxes, so I just got a small cat (or
maybe kitten?) litterbox.  There wasn't a hole in it, but I figured I
could cut one in it.  When I got home, I was just too lazy to get around
to making that hole, he could climb into it easily so I just figured I
didn't really need to.  Wrong!  After about a week, and trying all of the
suggestions I got, I finally got aroud to making that hole.  suddenly, he
liked using the litterbox!  Well, that's number 22 on my list of stupid
mistakes I've made concerning ferrets.  Take number twelve, Remember what I
said about him not liking ferretone?  Well, while I was trying to get him
to take the ferretone(off of my hands) I had bitter apple on my hands.
Sigh, that has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever done.
[Posted in FML issue 3021]