Hello all!  Just wanted to drop a line from WAY BEHIND ON FML'S LAND!!!
*sigh* I've calculated that I'm about 2 months behind.  That's like reading
a couple of novels to get caught up.  It's my own fault, though!  LOL
Okay, so first off my ferret site has been revamped:
I'm in the process of setting up memorials for Kat's LittleWhiteGirl &
FerretFanatic's Buzz, so those links (on our Rainbow Bridge Page) don't
work right now ;OP But they will shortly...I am also gonna change my
kids' links a bit, but they work so knock yourself out!
Big huge gigantic collasal *hugs* for Kat on her recent losses.  My
thoughts go out to *all* who have fuzzie ones at the Bridge, and to those
whose kids aren't feeling too good ;(
Also thanks to all that responded to my free-roam-ferret-room post...we
close on the townhouse 4/28 and the flooring gets installed the following
Monday (5/1) so maybe the second week of May I'll have a report!  Wish us
Well, Miya has a "bigger" vulva...it has me worried so we'll get her to the
vet soon - Jack is due for his shots anyway so we'll get him taken care of
while we're at it!  Rascal has some weird sore on his tummy next to his
"belly button"...I cleaned it yesterday and put some ointment on it and
we'll see how it looks today.
We're thinking about getting a dog after we move into the townhouse and
I'm curious if the following dogs are known to be "bad ferret dogs" - even
though the kids will be kept in their own room with no-doggie access, the
dog has GOT to meet them some time!  Jay & I like: Yellow Labs, Boxers,
Border Collies, Huskies (can you tell we want a big dog?) hmmmm that's all
I can think of for now!  Let me know via email if any of these dogs are
good or bad with ferrets and why.  We would like to adopt from a shelter,
but we also wanna get a puppy - for selfish reasons, but also so we can
raise him/her with the ferrets.  It's an age-old question, I know, but if
you've had the experience, please share!
Okay I'm done now! *phew*
*hug n' dooks*
Amy, Jason, & the brat pack
Visit Miya, Nina, Rascal, & Jack (along w/ Jason & Amy) at their website:
Visit Amy & her assorted human pals @
[Posted in FML issue 3021]