When Baby died, I asked if anyone knew of where I could purchase an Indian
necklace.  Dozens of you sent suggestions.  Sandy Reeper actually sent me
an Indian necklace to put Baby's' remains in.  Then Tiger became ill and
died.  I never said THANK YOU on this list.  I should have.
Please accept my apology.  I do not know this person.  We have never met.
I read her posts.  I enjoy them.  A stranger on FML went out of her way to
find the necklace AND send it.  She has yet to cash the check I sent
months ago.  I hope I am spelling your name correctly Sandy-though I
have a nagging feeling it is Sandi..
The FML must be the best site on-line ever.  I could not want for more.
TRULY-my cup runnith over.
Tell me where else such amazing folk gather????
[Posted in FML issue 3020]