My little fighter is gone.  Callie came to us as a rescue with an advanced
case of adrenal disease.  My vet, Dr. Hankins , and I didn't think she'd
make it, but she did and regrew a lush orange coat.  She was an albino, but
I don't think the color of her coat mattered to her - she was just so happy
to have hair !
Dave and I took a short vacation trip last week, and while we were gone,
she stopped eating and started showing signs of insolinoma.  We tried
cortisone, we set the alarm every two hours to feed her, but nothing worked
and she went downhill so very, very fast.
Yesterday we let her go.  She was so tiny that the injection had to be
given right into her chest cavity.  We held her and kissed her and sent
her on.
My heart is breaking.  I blame myself - being away for those few days could
have made a difference and I'm afraid I added needlessly to her suffering.
I can't forgive myself.
When I got my cancer diagnosis, her fortitude inspired me.  Both of us were
sick , but still determined to live.  She was doing so well, and then, BAM!,
a very sudden downturn.  It's scary.  I miss her so much.  She was so, so
I'm not religious, but I'm asking you to please say a prayer for Callie.
Let's hope that wherever she is, she's not hurting anymore .  Ask her to
forgive me for not being there last week.
Kym Zorn
[Posted in FML issue 3020]