Re: fuzzybutts, medical opinion disclaimers/Blizzard wants to eat:
I'm glad that you are concerned.  If every Johnny-come-lately dispensed
opinions as though they were medical facts, we'd have some fuzzies at real
Yes, I'm sure it does sound like medical advice, and I'm generally pretty
careful about including disclaimers and the source of my information as I
did in this case.  There are some posts listing certain conditions (the
ones that can be life-threatening in a short time span) that I push "do
I should have added that .5cc is the minimal dosage Dr. Kendrick
Re: Shelter turn around time:
It sounds as though you have a very manageable, if not profitable business
going here.  I agree with you that ferrets should be held at a shelter
until their health can be verified.  Sick ferrets should not be adopted
to anyone who is not fully aware of the illness and experienced with its
treatment and medical maintenance costs and life expectancy.
And while I'm truly not sure that love can be measured as can other motives
for rendering maintenance care, I do agree that you seem to know what's
good for you and your ferrets.
>...If the ferret is obviously symptomatic of an illness, I will refuse to
>take the ferret and will direct the owner to the nearest vet for treatment.
>I simply will not accept a knowingly sick ferret - period.  I've done this
>in the past, much to my regret..."
If this is truly your prerequisite for accepting ferrets, I personally do
not consider your operation a "shelter".  In my experience, many, too many
ferrets are neglected and eventually surrendered, if they don't do their
owners the favor of dieing first, because of the expense of necessary
medical treatment.  Directing "the owner to the nearest vet" is simply
the formal death sentence.  Pet owners generally know where to find a vet,
they've been there... that's why they've resorted to a "shelter" for their
pet's care.
I honestly never thought of charging adoption fees according to color.  Our
adoption fees are according to age, or how long the ferret has been at the
shelter.  Some of our older ferrets even go "free to a good home".  (And
there are some hefty requirements to qualify for that one... Free by mail
upon request.  Ferrets First Foster Home, 516 Van Sandt Carthage, TX 75633)
Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home, Carthage, TX
[Posted in FML issue 3020]