We have a new fuzz living in our home.  She is supposed to be 4 months old,
but I'd put money she is maybe 7-8 weeks at the most.  She was purchased at
a local petstore by a teen, mom said okay to the purchase.  Mom said no way
after the kit bit her pretty badly twice - and yes I saw the wounds, they
were painful looking.  The stated time for return had lapsed and the
petstore wanted nothing to do with this little girl because she appears
pretty aggressive.  They tried to sell her, but the many interested parties
were scared off by her temperment also.  So someone suggests she contact
me, call me the local sucker I guess!  Anyway, I agree to take the ferret
no strings attached.
Over email/phone I just thought this would be typical kit nipping.  Boy was
I wrong, she got me pretty good a couple times and even once on the chin -
only the chin bite drew blood.  She is a dark eyed white with a streak down
her back and a dark tail.  I suspected deafness, and we confirmed that a
few days after she arrived.  She has been here over a week now, has been
named Regee Rocket (after a Nicktoon character).  She is still nippy, but
more the typical you would expect, not quite as skittish, but most
importantly she has quickly grown to trust me.  Actually she climbs all
over me when she is out and loves to try dragging me under the desk.
We were going to place her for adoption, but it seems that fate has
answered my questions of adopting another white or albino fuzz after the
loss of Syd.  I've debated with myself over adopting another albino and my
heart just always seemed to be saying an albino would be a replacement,
maybe it is just that Syd has only been gone 2 months.  But I've considered
a marked white and before I could decide, fate dropped into my lap a pretty
little marked white in desparate need of someone with love and patience to
allow her to learn how to be a loving, gentle fuzz.  So, it was officially
decided that Reg will stay with us, she has started the acclimation into
the group of 5.
With hugs and thoughts to all the fuzzies out there needing special
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3018]