Angela et al.,
Our son just turned 1 and our daughter is about to become 3.  The ferrets
had no interest in Paul, as they'd already been through it with Sarah.
However, I must say that Paul finds the ferrets fascinating.  He's really
interacting with them now (under supervision, of course -- he's much more
dangerous to them than they are to him at this point).
Sarah has always loved the ferrets and continues to play with them.
However, she's getting to the stage where she believes she can pick them
up on her own.  Unfortunately, she doesn't do it correctly so we are
constantly showing her.  I think she needs to be a bit older, but I must
say, although they have to suffer for a few minutes while she proudly
brings them to us, they've been really patient.
I think you'll enjoy watching your daughter grow up with the ferrets.  We
certainly have had a lot of fun.  Now I'm just waiting until they're old
enough to clean litter boxes! ;)
Amy, Dave, Sarah & Paul (and their gaggle of giggling ferrets)
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia & Sidney
[Posted in FML issue 3018]