Hi all,
In June, for the first time in 20 years, I will be moving into an apartment
with window air from a home with central air.  I'm worried about my ferts
getting heat stroke while I'm at work ( I live in NJ where there can be
weeks of 90 degree weather), and wanted to ask those who have window
air-conditioners how they handle it.
I work 12 hour days: I could leave the a/c on all day, but I have no doubt
that my electric bill will be astronomical, and I'm looking for other
solutions.  And BTW, what is the temperature at which ferts will suffer?
In any event - would the breeze from a powerful all-apartment fan be of any
help?  Has anyone had any luck with an air-conditioner timer (say 2 hours
on, 2 hours off?).  Any other suggestions?
Please email me directly: [log in to unmask]
Sonam Dasara
[Posted in FML issue 3018]