It is me again.  The mean mommy who put my baby through al of this mess.
I feel like I did this to him and cant get it out of my head.  He still
isnt doing anything.  No moving, no eating (except for soup), no drinking
(except what I am forcing into him) and not even getting up to potty.  I
woke him up last night and saw that he had a nasty red/purple urine burn on
his tummy, and I cried for an hour, and told him I was so sorry.  Called
the dr, and he called me and told me to put A/D on it.  He said if he
doesnt get up today through this evening to call him back and he is going
to put him on IV fluids.  I cant believe this is happening to him.  All I
wanted was for him to be healthy for another couple of years and not be in
pain.  Now look at him he cant even go to the potty with out help.  Please
keep in your prayers, and thoughts.
Please kiss your babies for us.
Gonzo-  OWWWWW it still hurts so bad, and now I am red
Mommy- I am so sorry sweet one.
[Posted in FML issue 3017]