hello all.....dooks to everyone...prayers and good thoughts to those that
have sick babies and little ones that have crossed over the rainbow
Help Please!!!!
I have a little girl named Toothling.  She came to me from a loving home
but she was just to hyper for the gang there, didn't get along too well.
I was told she was not a biter despite her name, however that is not the
case.  She is a dark eyed white, very small 1 pound maybe a little more and
she is about 2 years old.  She has lived with me for most of her life.  She
has always bit.  Playing too rough or just nipping to hard I never have
figured out which.  She doesn't bite all the time but the frequency is
increasing.  She also is biting much harder now almost breaking the skin.
It is becoming more difficult to get her to let go.  I am afraid to do the
water thing as she is so small.  I am afraid that would traumatize her and
that would be counterproductive.  I coax her into letting go, push my hand
(easily of course) further into her mouth, add pressure then she lets go.
But the teeth indention's are serious.  She means business that is for
sure.  I do believe she is deaf as she doesn't respond to me when I say
OUCH or that hurts or NO, plus she doesn't come or even act as though she
hears me when I call everyone for treats.  Unless I physically go, pick her
up and bring her to the treats she wouldn't get any.  I have the bitter
apple and it seems to help for a while but when I think we are done with
the biting thing she starts it again.  I am at a loss.  She seems to bite
me very hard for no apparent reason.  I am careful to not come up on her
too suddenly or touch her if she doesn't see me first.  I am at a loss.  I
have quite a bit of experience with biters but this case is different.  She
doesn't bite because she was neglected or abused.  Doesn't seem to be fear
causing it.  Oh, also she has her scent glands but doesn't poof EVER!!!  I
have a clan of 10 and they get pretty physical but she has never poofed.
Could the biting me be because she is so small.  I must seem like a giant
to her.  Now all of my little ones playfully bite and sometimes get too
rough but they have learned the phrase...too hard, your hurting mommy and
they let me go....even Baby Huey who took me over a year to get him to
trust that I wouldn't hurt him.  He was extremely fearful of hands.  He
would go out of his way to bite me and would bring blood.  Testing me I
figured.  I have alot of scars on my hands, arms and feet from that
experience.  But today he is a lover...stills bites a little too hard
sometimes but it is now by accident or him being too excited not out of
fear.  I just don't know what to do.  I don't want to not pick her up and
love on her.  Sometimes she even goes to sleep in my arms.  This is
confusing.  Has anyone had experience with this????
Dooks to All
Cheryl and the Royal Gang
(Chief, Tabitha, Snuffy, Oscar, Oliver, Baby Huey, Toothling, Damian,
Calvin and Hobbs)
[Posted in FML issue 3017]