As to the Possible reason why Kathy was the only one to report ferret abuse
at ferret expo:
First of all, we do not know that people did not report abuse to other
people at the expo.  , who like the president of AFA, simply pooh poohed
the report.
Secondly, for those oldies but goodies who took all those psychology
courses many moons ago:
When a group of people witness abuse, rape, or even murder--and they see
that others are watching NO ONE does anything.  That is the tendency in us.
Many examples of this.  The one I remember best was when dozens of people
in apartments in New York looked out their windows to watch a woman
stabbed, screaming, and fighting for her life for over 20 minutes.  NO ONE
called the police.
Remember your accident training classes??  If you do not pick out a
specific person to call the police and ambulance as you try to save
someone: people will more than likely not call for help.  You must pick
a specific person.
Report ferret abuse at a show?  While you are trying to have a good time,
and do not want to get involved??Thinking that the person standing next to
you will make the report??  Learning about ferret care and now learning
that ferrets should be smacked in the face and have their whiskers pulled??
Unlikely a report will be made..
And who do you call for ferret abuse at a show??  Again-one representative
to handle this at each show is simply in the ferrets best interest.  +
There are those people out there who KNOW ferret abuse and WILL report it.
We need to give them a person who is unbiased to help protect the ferrets
at expos.
Is not the best interest of the ferret What ALL of us wish for?
[Posted in FML issue 3007]