First of all I wanted to say "oops".  Sota isn't deformed & indeed does
have 5 toes on each of his four feet, I have no idea what I was thinking
about, but having had just removed a birds foot from being embedded in my
arm, due to a scare, I may have been thinking more "bird" than "ferret".
Dr. Murphy called with bad news this morning.  Sota is even worse off
today.  His red blood cell is lower than yesterday.  It is now down to one
of two things either cancer of bone marrow of which there is no cure in
ferrets or his immune system has gone crazy & is attacking the red cells.
He isn't producing any new red cells at all.  It is however most likely
the first one.
George has also taken a turn for the worse.  I have had to clean him up as
he can no longer stand up to go to the litter box.  Everything is happening
so very fast.  With Sota & George.  I was taking extra pictures of George,
preparing for when he wasn't here any longer & now realize I don't have
very many of Sota at all.  Only a few.  So please of you haven't pictures
of your fuzzies or they are not up to date, take as many as you can.  If
you can't afford a fancy camera buy a throw away.  Look for ads that save
money on development.  I know Sota's memory will never leave my heart, &
to look at one albino might be to look at 100 of them, but there is only
one Sota.
If I have missed sending anyone a note or card that has had fuzzies pass
away or are sick I'm sorry & my heart goes out to each & every one.  I just
haven't had a lot of puter time recently.  God bless.
Lynn & Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3016]