Well its time for an update on Mikey.  As some of you may remember Mikey
was in need of Adrenal surgery and my oldest son was terrified of it.  Well
in the week befor the surgery Mikey lost close to a pound wich was almost
half his weight.  We drove to Minisota for the surgery becuse we were told
of a wonderful vet there there that did alot of these types of surgery.
Someone we had met through this list made all the arangements and had even
set it up so Josh and I could be in the operating room with Mikey during
the surgery.  This turned out not to be such a great idea as my 16 yr old
5'10" 180lb son fainted and was caught by my friend April.  he he We will
never let him live that down she now calls him a packer linebacker!.
Mikey is doing wonderful now, he is just a little peeved that I wont let
him out to play with his friends but I am trying to make it up to him with
tons of cuddles and treats.  He is LOVING the duck soup and he is eating
ALOT of it and eating dry food in his cage in between his every 3-4 hour
I too have a kit that I purchased from petco when it was 5 1/2 weeks old.
When I got it home he was having trouble eating and doing alot of sneezing
with a runny nose and watery eyes.  My husband went to petco to discuss it
with the manager he asked what we were using for bedding and my husband
told him we used baby blankets and homemade sleeping bags made from fleece
but the baby sleeps in a hammock.  The Manager told my husband that the
baby was probably allergic to our detergent and get this ((to use pine or
ceder bedding)) Several weeks ago when my son went to petco to purchase a
plecostamus fish (sp) my son was asked what type and size of a tank we had,
he told them it was 29 gallons (this was a 2 inch fish he wanted to buy))
They told him his tank wasnt big enough to accomodate this fish becouse it
would continue to grow..... one week later my son went back ALONE...
Purchased this 5 1/2 week old kit and not so much as a do you know anything
about ferrets was said.  Is there something wrong with this picture!!
Again thanks to everyone with all the kind words for Joshua and prayers for
Mikey  I know they helped.
Tanya Williams
[Posted in FML issue 3015]