This is not an attack on Vickie (who recently sent me information on the
ADV research fund that I appreciated), or the AFA, but rather a plea to the
powers-that-be at AFA to rethink their tactics.  PLEASE don't read this as
an attack -- simply read it thoughtfully and calmly, and accept the fact
that we are all fallible.  I don't know why so many of you at the head of
AFA have decided to take such an antagonistic approach to anyone who
questions you, but it seems to be back-firing.  Look at the folks here who
took the time to write and say that your response alone has turned them
against AFA.  How many others felt the same way and didn't bother to write?
You had an opportunity to put AFA in a good, professional light, and
instead, you chose to fire off a rather childish reply to a legitimate
issue.  Your comments are similar to those by other high-ranking members
through the whole ADV debate weeks ago.
The impression is that anyone who dares to even question the AFA is
automatically an idiot that wants to destroy you.  Why is it that you feel
this way?  It's convenient for you to believe that AFA 'doesn't need people
like us', but you're wrong.  Any organization needs new blood to continue
to thrive.  And what's so wrong with a person being concerned about the
impression made on the public by what she perceived to be public abuse
against a ferret?  After all, doesn't the AFA want to promote ferrets in
the best possible light?  Aren't we all on the same side here?  You could
have disputed her story in a rational manner, without references to Easter
(what was that about, anyway - I found it offensive) and attacks on what
you perceived to be "bitching".  Wouldn't you complain if you thought
ferrets were being abused?  If not, you really should not have the position
that you do.
It seems to me that much of the anti-AFA feelings you are seeing are due
more to the attitudes of the leadership than anything else.  Perhaps it's
time to change some of those attitudes, swallow your pride, bite your
tongue, curb your temper -- and act like leaders people will actually
want to follow.
And to defend someone just because they are a long-time, successful and
respected breeder (and, I assume, a friend), is dangerous.  I once watched
a very successful, respected, good-looking, smooth-talking and popular
horse trainer take a young horse out behind a show barn and beat the crap
out of him with a whip because he hadn't performed well enough.  This poor
horse was quivering in fear and pain when the trainer finished 15 minutes
later.  He had no idea that I was resting in my car and saw the whole
thing.  To my everlasting shame, I did not confront him (this was 20 yrs
ago, but that's no excuse; I've never forgiven myself).  However, I did
tell a number of people about it.  No action was taken, but to this day I
discuss what I saw with horse people, even though the trainer has long
since gone out of business (his abuse gradually became more open, and
people were afraid to send horses to him).
Look, if you *want* to give the impression that you are just a bunch of
SOB's who are too insecure to handle reasonable questions, then you are
certainly being successful.  But I really can't believe any of you would
take on such a time-consuming voluntary job if you didn't care about
ferrets.  How does alienating a large number of ferret owners help you?
How does it help ferrets?  Politics is one thing, but you can't even handle
questions by folks you don't know, who have no agenda.  Please reconsider
your communication methods, or find someone who is better with public
relations to handle your public communications.  That way, we can start
working together to help the animals we love so much.
[Posted in FML issue 3007]