In response to the controversy on whether it is possible for ferret food to
be bad-- in case some of you are new or have forgotten-- It IS possible.
Path Valley Farms-- when back in pre- FML days for me --owned by Chuck &
Fox Morton -- had the exact same predicament.
Agway manufactured the food -- it was BAD-- they mixed up % of ingredients
incorrectly and the ferrets were over a period of time, being born with
malformed jaws, bone deficiencies etc.  Many were euthanized-- the business
nearly destroyed etc.
It is history-- the suit was filed - and settled for an undisclosed
amount-- I DO REMEMBER if not all the particulars in that case!
It may not be always the case-- but it is possible-- when you think about
manufacturing plants and people pushing buttons-- I cannot say yes or no--
but ..  does not history repeat itself?
[Posted in FML issue 3015]