Isabelle wrote:
>Ms. McKimmey's posting on the FML is disconcerting.  I understand the AFA
>felt compelled to defend themselves, but as a representative of the AFA
>and their "president" attacking/provoking FML members is inappropriate.
>(EX: "If you are >bold enough to e-mail me directly" and "Don't just sit
>there on your computer and bitch about it!")  This is completely
>unprofessional and once again is entirely unproductive.
Steve and I are AFA members and have been happy about some aspects of the
AFA such as the high standards Lori Barber sets for the "American Ferret
Report", and I most definitely agree with Isabelle that V. McK. Handled
this VERY badly.  My very upset and disappointed reaction is that she
decided to close her mind and be completely defensive instead of noting a
potential problem which perhaps was very lucky to not be an even more
serious one (since there are always people and situations which are worse).
This could have been seen as a OPPORTUNITY to find a logical solution and
be very up-front doing so, or if the AFA BOARD (since one individual can
NOT speak for any entire board or group and should be admonished if she or
he does so, and relieved of office if the action is repeated since that can
lead to legal problems for a group and its directors) feels that it already
has good enough rules in place, then the AFA board should make these rules
public and politely ask for input on them.  The AFA has many excellent
points and those need to be considered in anyone's final chose, but I must
admit to being more than slightly upset about that letter form V. McK.; in
about 18 years with ferrets I have seen behavior like that multiple times
destroy ferret groups and do NOT want that to happen with the AFA.
Hopefully, V. McK.  was just having a rough day and is thinking twice
about that exceedingly unpleasant letter.
I DO feel that she SHOULD have treated that as a personal letter and
completely left out her AFA affiliation UNLESS THE AFA BOARD READ THE
that entire group look bad when it might simply have been one individual
writing a PERSONAL response and getting carried away perhaps due to one
day of feeling "off".  Heck, one reason to have board check such things is
to prevent the possibility of damage accidentally caused; another is to
protect a group and it's directors from being sued due to the actions of
one individual.  That has happened to directors and organizations in the
past and will happen again, so logic is called for.
Let's not damn the entire group for the rudeness of one.  Also, let's not
assume that this day might have been a normal one for V. McK.  For all we
know she might be starting a fever and been off fro her norm by a good
margin right now, or be very short on sleep from caring for a very sick
ferret around the clock, or otherwise have something difficult in her life
just now.  (Still, personal letters must be handled by board members of any
group as personal letters; it is perfectly fine to mention an affiliation
IF it is also stated in connection that the views expressed are personal
ones and should not be seen a representing a given board; otherwise good
form is to have the letter agreed upon by the board beforehand partly to
avoid just such wording problems.)
Like Troy Lynn, I, too, was upset about the apparent waving-off of other
organizations which help ferrets, but I think that was probably accidental
and not meant as it read -- simply careless writing.  I suspect she was
just comparing people who gripe a lot with those who actually work for
changes.  Anyone in any organization here knows about that -- the people
who work in shelters but have a hard time getting enough volunteers so have
to set stricter limits than they'd like to have, the shelters which have to
choose which ferrets to treat since they have very limited funds, the vets
who would like to improve ferret medical care but can't get the funds since
too few give to that cause, etc.  You know who you are (on both sides of
the equation)...
Troy Lynns' comment:
>I think it would be more useful for everyone if we could discuss
>ways to prevent future abuse of these animals.
and Ronnie's comment:
>No one is persecuting the AFA.  This is about possible ferret abuse
>and the lack of interest in following up on it.
are exactly on the mark as are:
Sue's comment:
>You people are condemning someone without knowing all the facts.
>There have been cases where people have been condemned only to find
>out they were innocent.
and Anastasia's:
>As to revealing the name of the breeder in question, I'm against it.
>This is still alleged abuse and this woman's reputation is at stake.  Her
>previous good reputation should count for something, shouldn't it?  Until
>proof is given, or additional complaints are received, let's not go
>confiscating anyone's ferrets.  Remember, 'innocent until proven guilty' is
>the tenet of our judicial system ... [within a leter paragraph] I want to
>call on everyone to keep level heads about this.  Agreeing that abuse is
>bad is one thing but if we jump on the band wagon and crucify this breeder
>because of one complaint that cannot be substantiated, think of how this
>can turn into a free-for-all.  It's very easy to ruin a person but very
>difficult to correct the damage if the accusations are false.
which are also completely logical (but worded much better than yesterday's
overly defensive and offensive letter) which is why I think that the topic
at hand should NOT be "who shall we burn in effigy" but instead, "What
possible approaches might make shows even less inclined to have behavior
which might be abusive, or might give bad impressions of either ferrets or
ferret people?" Meanwhile, I think that when such suggestions are brought
up they should be respectfully considered by all those associated with
ferret shows.  That is only logical and fair.  Furthermore, it is the ONLY
way to not fly a public group depending upon membership and volunteers
smack dab into the ground.
I wonder if camcorders set up at shows BY THE GROUP PRESENTING THE SHOW
would be a help?  Then the running organizations could review tapes in case
they showed anything definitive: protection from false accusations, or
proof of valid ones.  There certainly SHOULD (IMO) be publicly posted rules
set for behavior and staggered results of violations -- both to prevent
abuses and to teach those unused to ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 3007]