Hello everyone,
just a few lines to update you about the state-of-art in Italy for Ferrets.
Our Association is growing, we make at least once a month a "ferretparty"
in the most important cities (Milan, Turin and Rome), others will follow.
What's a ferretparty ?  It is a meeting where everybody is welcome to
partecipate with his babies, who are left free to play around, and you
can easily imagine the mess and the fun resulting from 40/50 little
devils at the same time.  Never had problems, they seem to be happy to
be together, even if most of them are "full".
Lot of births, with consequent diffusion of furries.  My well reputed
"stallion" Igor, more than the four he had with my Orietta last October
(and I kept two for myself) produced 11 of them in february and 9 last
week with two other females who were my guests for the mating time.
Many appeareances on national televisions, in programs devoted to animals,
and it is very nice that more and more persons on the street, when they
meet you with your baby, don't say anymore "what's this ?", but "oh, a
Ferret !"
Ciao all.
with Igor & Orietta (the serious adults)
and the unrestrained 6 months old
Thor (the Monster, 2 kg.)
Hexe (who is not an "executable format Ferret", but "Witch" in German)
Visit our site (we don't sell anything) :
[Posted in FML issue 3014]