Dear MC:
1. You are correct: you are the rude one.
2. I did not hear from the vet, I was present when the autopsies were
   performed, so I saw and know the results first hand.
3. Samples of food and body tissues were sent to Michigan State
   University's Veterinary School for analysis.  The school tested for
   only known types of poisons (Mercury, Rat-poison, etc.).  This cost
   me $1,500.00.  Further tests would have cost an additional $2,000 to
   $3,000.00.  I am sorry, but I do not have that kind of money, do you?
4. I still have the two bags of "Lab Diet for Ferrets" manufactured by
   Purina Mills, Inc. (the original bag opened has been rolled up at the
   top and resealed to prevent any contamination by accident.  The second
   bag is still sealed).
5. We had 27 ferrets.  All 27 were taken to Vet for vaccinations.  All
   27 ferrets received the same shots from the same batch of vaccine.
   (therefore, vaccine did not cause problem).
6. We randomly chose 7 ferrets to test the "Lab Diet For Ferrets".
7. We started the seven with a mixture of 25% Lab Diet For Ferrets and
   75% Totally Ferret the first day, 50%L.D./50%T.F. the second day,
   75%L.D./25%T.F. the third day, and 100%L.D. the fourth day.
8. All 27 ferrets live in our house, drink the same water, live in the
   same environment with identical living quarters, toys, etc.  There are
   no electrical wires, outlets or any other harmful objects for any of
   the ferrets to get hurt on.
9. Only the 7 ferrets that received "Lab Diet For Ferrets" processed and
   packaged by Purina Mills, Inc.(one of their facilities in Indiana),
10.With all factors equal, the only variable was the food.  Therefore,
   I believe that my conclusion that "Lab Diet for Ferrets" from Purina
   Mills, Inc. caused the death of our 7.
What other "Scientific" conclusion would you draw based on the above?
Rev.Ron Sims, D.D. & Family: 8 humans, 13 ferrets, 6 dogs, & 2 cats
[Posted in FML issue 3014]