Gail Sherman Reilly <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I looked at the Totally Ferret for older ferrets, hoping the protein would
>be low enough to try using it, but unless I'm reading something wrong,
>it's only 3% less than the regular TF.  I don't think this will do her
>much good.  My vet is recommending a cat diet designed for cats with
>kidney problems.
Some of the articles I have read suggest that it's not the % of protein
but the *quality* of the protein.  Kibble is made of grains and is highly
processed, therefore the kidneys have to work harder.  Kibble with lots of
corn or other grain (grocery store garbage) is one of the worst.  The best?
A home-made balanced diet eg Bob's Chicken Gravy   (I don't own stock in
Bob's and don't work for him.)
[Posted in FML issue 3013]