Well, I have received several good accounts of individuals who have dealt
with the lady that runs this shelter.  But what I need is you to send me
or contact the Davis County Animal Control Officer, ANGIE PARKINSON,
801-444-2200 or fax her your statement at 801-444-2212.  She is
investigating the shelter.
I have also received several people telling me that since this lady seems
to be taking care of the ferrets to butt out.  Well, as usual, these people
only hear what they want to hear or in this case read what they want.  I
have spoken to this lady twice in the past week, and both times she has
told me completely different stories.  She has even told me that she cannot
adopt to anyone from Salt Lake County because she PERSONALLY spoke with the
animal services officer for the county and he told her she would loose her
license because they are illegal in Salt Lake County.  First of all, since
last Thursday, FERRETS are officially legal.  Second, I have worked hand in
hand with the SL County Animal Control Officers on this change and he has
been allowing Ferrets to be adopted from the animal control for over six
months.  Finally, and what concerns Davis County and myself is the fact
that this lady does not have a license, permit, or anything telling her
she can do this.  She does not even have a business license.  She is also
administering vaccinations, and whos knows whatelse in her make shift
Now, what is going to happen to all the ferrets this lady has collected if
the animal control moves in.  Well, I am sure that if their are any sick
ones, they will probably be euthanized.  Especially if the numbers of
ferrets she has is true (100 to 150).  There is no way that this lady, by
herself, is able to care for that many.  I am sure she has her hands full
of sick and injured.  The medical bills alone would probably bankrupt a
non-profit shelter even with a healthy donation pool contributing.
As for the semi- healthy and healthy ones, I think with the program we have
established here and the help of our neighbor shelters, we can do handle
the load.  If anything, break up the large herd and get them into smaller
foster homes that can give these critters the personal attention they are
probably being neglected.
So if you know of or have had past contact with this shelter, please
contact the animal services officer and let her know.  They are trying to
decide what to do and they need all the information they can get.  Please,
unless you have actual information, do not bother this officer with your
opinions.  She needs the facts.
Thanks for your support.
United Ferret Organization
668 Union Square #234
Sandy, Utah 84070
(801) 572-6010
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[Posted in FML issue 3013]