Hello to everyone,
I have a really weird situation here.  I have been a subscriber for almost
4 years, a ferret owner for the same amount of time, and I also help run a
shelter, and I have NEVER seen a post on this.  So, I need some help.
I have 4 fuzzies and only one is the issue here: Bartles.  In November
last year, Bartles had a right adrenalectomy.  After much TLC and a long
recovery period, he is fine, bouncing around, weasle war dancing, dooking
away.  Last month, I discovered he had an enlarged spleen - he is on "vital
watch" as I call it, to make sure everything is OK.  Blood tests came back
The problem - ever since Bartles had his adrenalectomy, he has started
displaying the most bizarre behaviour.  Are you ready for this?  He is
trying to have sex with his brother Jaymes.  Now, I have nothing against
homosexual behaviour, but I do draw the line at attempted incest!!  LOL.
Has anyone ever seen this or heard of this?  My vet thought it could be a
dominance thing, but I disagree.  That just is not his type of personality.
Also, he doesn't try to have sex with Indy - his "other brother - not
related!!" He is 4 years old (March 1, 2000) and is neutred and all that.
It is not really a problem, but it iz very bizarre.  I know it is not
hurting him or his brother Jaymes (maybe Indy feels left out, I don't know,
he never mentioned anything about it!!!), but I was just curious if anyone
has ever seen this?
Get those thinking caps on and quit laughing at my fuzzy!!!
Thanks in advance, and take care,
Indy 500  (how come Bartles doesn't love me like that??
Bartles  (what is the problem?  I don't get it??
Jaymes (it's ok mom, really, I like it - although it is annoying when he
        wakes me up)
Nebraska - the "all alone" one - soon to be integrated - sssh don't tell
           her yet
Thelma and Louise - both at the Rainbow Bridge, watching over their
mommy and laughing away at her new dilemma
[Posted in FML issue 3013]