Hello everyone, I have a question/problem that I was hoping to get some
help with.  Jimbo, my 2 1/2 year old ferret has been experiencing some
weight loss problems, he has gone from 3.2 lbs.  last fall, to 3.0 lbs in
late jan.  now he is down to 2.5 lbs.  She can't find any problems, except
that he is showing a low potassium reading when we do blood tests.  His
potassium readings today were 4.46 mmol/l, which she considers to be low in
a ferret.  Has anyone else had findings like these?  He is on a mix of TF
and Iams, and has been quite healthy ever since we got him.  How much
Potassium should a ferret get?  And how do they usually get it?  He is
eating some banana baby food right now, which he absolutely loves.  And I
hoped it would go through his system easier than fresh or dried bananas.
Thanks for your assistance,
Daphne, Jim, and the gang
[Posted in FML issue 3012]