Jacquie wrote:
>I came home last night and began working on a huge sign which reads:
>WATER FOR THE ANIMALS.  This afternoon I parked my vehicle on the State
>right-of-way (right at the curb of the roadway) in front of their store...
Good for you!  Good for you for standing up for the animals and for doing
something!  Four paws up for your courage and creativity!
Anne wrote:
>Does anybody have tips/thoughts on ferrets and stairs?
The only ferrets I have who seem to have a stair problem are 2 who spent
the first couple of years in a cage, and who also happen to have short legs
(they're related--these are Epcot and Clover from the Arcadia, FL breeder
for those who know them).  They can both go up the stairs, but won't go
down (I have steep wooden stairs).  They don't try to go down, or fall or
anything, they just watch from the top of the stairs.  The others do fine,
even the tiny little female.  I am guessing that carpeting would help.
On vaccination reactions...
With all the reported reations, it's even more important to take these 3
very simple precautions:
1) Schedule vaccinations a couple of weeks apart, not on the same day.
Two vaccinations together is hard on anyone's system, especially someone
weighing only a pound or 2.  Also, if your ferret has a reaction, you will
know which vaccine they are reacting to.
2) Ask your vet to pre-treat with benadryl.
3) Wait at the office at least 1/2 hour (good time to catch up on those
back issues of People magazine) and then keep an eye on your ferret at
home--i.e., don't schedule an app't right before you need to rush off
somewhere.  An ounce of prevention is easier than trying to save your
ferret's life.
Marta wrote:
>I was looking around this weekend for place to get input about my
>ferret art   http://mountainwest.net/nersh/ferret/ferret.htm
This is great!  if you didn't check out Marta's drawings the first time,
they're definitely worth a look!
Ronnie in Mass.
[Posted in FML issue 3012]