Not to start the "debate" again but will those of you who have actual
letters from the "powers that be" send them to me please.  One of the
local pet supply stores went nuts when I casually mentioned the change
as I was buying my Iams kitten chow.  Geeesh!  They acted like they were
taking it personally and became very defensive.
They told me I shouldn't believe everything I read (like I DO!?), and that
there is a lawsuit out against a group of people for starting rumors, blah,
blah, blah, etc.  They told me to call the 1-800 number on the bag and I
would get my TRUE answer.  They said they would call and they want me to
call them and let them know what I'm told......
They also requested copies of the letters from the company, hence my post.
Please send the copies directly to me at [log in to unmask] ("l" is an
Thanks for your help,
Tequita and the inquiring minds....
[Posted in FML issue 3007]