I once read something where it was mentioned to rotate the toys your ferret
has access to and the old toys will seem "new" again!  Until I read this I
just let them have all of their toys all of the time and they would quit
playing with them after a while.  I tried rotating them and it works!
I will take the toys out of their cages and playroom and throw all the
plush and cloth ones into the wash.  The plastic ones get wiped down with a
bleach and water solution.  I put different toys into their cages and room
them were in there before (with the exception a favorite that never seems
to get old).  The extras go in a box to wait for the next rotation.  With
the smells removed, it's like new toys to explore all over again.
Unfortunately, there really isn't anything you can do to make the cage
totally stimulating.  It is a confined space.  Luckily, my fuzzies seems to
use their cage time to sleep so they are all full of energy when I let them
*New favorite toy*
Plastic easter eggs with rice inside and hot glued shut!  I rattle one and
all 7 come running!
[Posted in FML issue 3010]