Ooooooh, Lisette, get what I got!  It's the greatest ferret floor in the
universe.  Maybe beyond!  Anyway, you want sheet vinyl, not vinyl squares.
You know, all those little tile seams just waiting to sop up oookies.
Our ferret floor, selected FOR the ferrets, is Armstrong Solarian
Traditions, Ivy Trail pattern.  There are very nicely formed ivy vines on
a mottled background laid out in a brick pattern.  Some very nice color
combinations, one I believe has a brown toned ivy leaf, but I chose the
one with a bluish green colored leaf.  I believe there are at least 4 leaf
color choices, and the backgrounds vary as well.
My theory is that the ferrets would actually like seeing leaves on their
floor.  I guess they do because they've never voiced any complaints. (Nor
have I found notes shoved under the door.)
Our ferret's room is right off our living room, accessed through a slider
door (the area once was a porch) and the flooring choice looks great next
to our carpeted living room.  In fact, I have plans to take out part of
the dividing wall and relocate our kitchen to that end of the house, which
will include bringing the ivy pattern flooring into part of what is now
the living room.
This particular floor has another benefit.  It hides butt drags!  Well,
another ferret owner would spot them, but the UPS guy won't.  I scrub spots
daily - they are, after all, right around the litter boxes, easy for us in
the know to find, and run a swiffer around to pick up hairs.  Then once a
week all their 'stuff' is removed and the floor cleaned with Armstrong
floor cleaner, which contains no wax and smells nice.
Ok, the Armstrong commercial is over now!  But really, I just LOVE the
ferrets floor.  It makes your heart happy just to look at it.
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 3010]