-->waves<--  Hi guys! I jus' t'ought I'd dwop in to answer Dee!
>I was also just talking to another ferret friend who mentioned how much
>she loved Sandee's posts and how she thought it was the biggest act of
>generosity she's ever witnessed on the FML.  I agree wholeheartedly and
>was wondering, what is the history of Sandee and how she/he came to be?
Sandee took over fwom me!  My owner wan'ed me to tell ev'ryone here 'bout
how all d'ere fwiends were doin' here at de Bwidge.  I did so good dat I
was pull'd away to he'p wiv all de widdle orph'n babies dat have no
fam'lies so dey know d'ey're wuved too.  Sandee took over an' has been
doin' a weally good job!  Four paws up for Sandee!
Now, I've gotta go wound up some of d'ese widdle kits b'fore dey get all
w'inkled up in de Mirror Wake!
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 3037]