Just thought I would add my thoughts on ferrets running loose while
traveling in a vehicle.
As most of you know by now we live in a motorhome traveling about the
country side.  We have TEN ferrets with us all the time.
We always have play time out twice a day and time on leashes outside
weather permitting.  ( Snowing in New Hampshire now and cold, not nice for
out door fun)  Anyway, when we are traveling sometimes I will get someone
out on the leash and let them play while my husband is driving.  We never
let them loose while moving.  They are so fast that they are under the
peddles and feet in no time and of course that is the favorite spot to be!!
I only let one out at a time if at all so I can play one on one with them.
They like the motion of the ride so are usually all asleep while we are
I have always thought and tried to train my ferrets that cage time was for
eating, sleeping or punishment.  Play time was outside the cage.  That way
when they are in the cage they know it is time for relaxing and we have
never had a problem.
Burglar got in trouble the other day, kept scratching under the couch.  I
put him in the cage and then the next time out and he went back to
scratching, back in the cage.  Now, he knows and hasn't scratched in two
days now.  Guess he got tired of being in the cage and he knew why he was
in there.
These animals are not stupid and people if they are given half the time and
chance they know just how to read you and you can train them!!
As for ferrets looking up under a dress, I wonder if they are looking under
your dress or are they looking for some where new to hide and play?  The
hose thing can be dangerous as I have found my ferrets like to chew on hose
so please make sure you keep them out of their reach.  If you have a nice
lot of material in your dress maybe they just want to come play and hide
under there.  I usually have a dress or clothes on the bed and they love to
play.  Our ferrets are always looking up to see what they can't get at or
how to get up there and see what they can get into.  The ceiling is always
a good place to put something out of reach of a ferret!!!
Just my reactions and two cents.
Penny and Ten Traveling Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3036]